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If you are interested in our consulting services, please fill out our online project form.

Each project is carefully considered based on the information you provide us. Because of commitments to our current clients, we can only take on a limited number of new clients. If we believe we can make a significant difference in the life of your project, we will arrange a phone call with you to discuss the possibilities.

The consultation process involves watching your film, reviewing your materials and website, and meeting in person or via a conference call for a detailed consultation. Following the initial consultation, we will be available for further consulting as needed.

I've started teaching virtual courses via Zoom with my partner Keith Ochwat. Be the first to know about all future classes by subscribing to our email list:

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I have been giving keynotes and presentations at film festivals, conferences, and universities in the US and around the world (see my past SPEAKING schedule). My presentations include clips from breakthrough films demonstrating new distribution realities. Please e-mail me if you are interested in inviting me to speak.

We welcome feedback on this website. It is a work-in-progress and intended to remain one. With your input and support, it will grow and evolve into a better, more useful site.

Peter Broderick, Paradigm Consulting
708 Euclid Street, Santa Monica, CA 90402

Please connect with me on Facebook: